We hope you like our new website?

Some of the features include some great pictures from last year (we hope to add some from previous events soon), Searchable results from  2013 & 2012. We also will be keeping you updated with all the latest news and will in the coming week or so have a link in place to register…

And we're off.. the countdown to Kilmovee 10k starts here!!

And we’re off.. the countdown to Kilmovee 10k starts here!!

This is just a quick thank you for supporting the Kilmovee 10K, we sincerely appreciate your support. We know the choice of races increase each year yet we have seen our numbers grow from 160 in year 1 to 400 + in year 4 (2013). All involved at Kilmovee Shamrocks are very proud to inform you we have raised in excess of €28,000 for Mayo Roscommon Hospice in the past 4 years.

If you need a goal for 2014 please let it be to run, jog, walk or crawl the Kilmovee 10k on Saturday 19th April 2014 @ 1pm.