Hours of development is going into the website to make it more secure, to give you peace of mind.
With 128 Bit encryption, this means the website is encrypted before it’s transmitted over the internet. This makes it extremely difficult for anyone to access information as it crosses the network.
Using enhanced password encryption, helps keep passwords secure. Plus many other security features!
With the latest coding & PHP7, along with a ton of features from the host.
We will be using the leading eCommerce software in conjunction with one of the most powerful form programs.
You’ll will also now get a PDF of your entry, via email.
We’ll have a donation area, if you would like to support but are unable to attend.
Access to your entry at any point (not editable at this point but we hope to offer that at some point)
A free account on the site
And of course a fresh modern look to the website. With more features coming.
Over the next few days we’ll assess data and make any changes needed from this test. We will then launch website along with registrations. Please take a look around, if you notice anything odd please let us know or just tell us what you think of the new look.