Did you notice we have a countdown on here on the website? (to the right)

Because we love you all for supporting our race and great causes we want to give one of you the opportunity to get your entry fee back.. That’s right, we’ll give one of you your entry fee back, all you have to do is register on our website before our countdown clock reaches 40 Days. Whats even more special with this offer is that if you register yourself and one other within five minutes of each other you will both get your money back.

Entries will only be accepted from registrations on our secure site, kilmovee10k.com

WAIT THERE’S MORE…. If you share this on facebook as well as register before the closing time we’ll put your name in the hat twice!

Good Luck

(All registered names will go into a hat after closing time specified above, we will then contact winner(s) and we will announce on facebook. To be entered into our giveaway registration needs to be made on our secure form on our site https://kilmovee10k.com/kilmovee-10k-registration/ )